Welcome to paintingthefuture.com, Shamanic Style Art

Welcome to my online art gallery 'Painting the future'.  There are originals and giclee digital prints available.  There is a short introduction to the theme in the different sections.  Each painting has a particular energy which will influence the space where it is shown.  For example, the paintings and prints of the 12 series are connected to a number and to a direction in the medicine wheel. If you want to find out more about the particular image that interests you please email me This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..  if you want to buy an image online,  I can also suggest other payment options if paypal is not your preferred option. I can also suggest other payment options if paypal is not your preferred option.  Exhibitions take place in various countries, so check the site regularly for information.  I hope you enjoy the site.  Thank you.  Daniel Stone.
Bienvenido a mi galería de arte.  Hay originales y impresiones Giclee digital disponible.  Hay una introducción a cada tema en las secciones diferentes.  Cada cuadro tiene una energía en particular que puede influir su espacio donde esta mostrado.  Por ejemplo, los cuadros y impresiones de los series de 12 estan conectados a un número y una dirección en la rueda medicina.  Si quieres aprender más de un imagen en particular que te interesa, por favor me mandas un email a This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..  Si quieres comprar un imagen en línea, por favor me informes del país donde vives, y en caso de los impresiones, si lo prefieres el imagen en bastidor o en la pura tela.  También si no quieres pagar por paypal, te puedo proponer otras formas de pago.  Exhibiciones ocurran en varios países, pues por favor checas el sitio para informes.  Que disfrutas el sitio.  Gracias. Daniel Stone.

2023/24 Gallery Just added below.




New Gallery



The 2021 Gallery








Series of 12 2013-14

4th Version 2013-14: These paintings are all 160 cm squared except for the last painting which is 3.5 meteres by 60cm. Mixed media. Only available as originals.


Series of 12 2012

3rd Version 2012: These paintings are all 80 cm squared, and are available only as digital prints on canvas.


Series of 12 2011

2nd Version 2011: A few are available as originals and all are available as digital prints on canvas


Series of 12 2010

1st Version 2010: Available as card prints